For some reason I just remembered a joke my dad would tell all the time:
"Johnny," the teacher directed, "use the words detail and defense in a sentence." Johnny replied very happily, "De head of de dog went over de fence before de tail." And that was it, and we all laughed, every time. I miss my dad and his quick wit and easy smile, two of his characteristics I hope I've inherited. I guess it's the holiday season that takes me to the memories of youth. Back to how my family celebrated the holiday season and how my life has changed with each new year. My culture of youth is no longer my culture of today. I know that I have mentioned the importance of culture and how it shapes what we do, what we believe, and how we view and treat others but it deserves another look.
A book, it's really a set of three books, that gives guidance on various cultures and other important information comes to us by way of Canada.
Language Profiles by Cathy Haghighat, 2005, World Languages Publishing, Thornhill, Ont
I know you will find it very beneficial.
Yes, time has a way of changing who we are but the cultures we have had contact with or lived in influence every day of our lives. It's my turn to pass on the goofy jokes, the funny voicings of cartoon characters, the foods, the sit-in-my-lap-and-I'll-tell-you-a-story times, and the special traditions that will shape my family and beyond.
Boy, I wish I could remember a funny joke to add here but like always, can't think of one.

Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
If Clothes Make the Man, Shoes Define a Woman
I must have a thing for shoes. My husband has been complaining and proclaiming that for years as he has stumbled through my side of the closet, tripping over the multitudes of shoes that land wherever I've kicked them off. And once again, much to my dismay, he is right, I am a shoe-aholic.
That is the first step isn't it, admitting an addiction to yourself? My next realization is why I love shoes so much...they set my mood. If I have on a cute, sexy pair my whole day goes better. Yesterday I wore my black loafers for the first time this shoe season, all day long I felt old, worn out, unable to get some vim and vigor in my day. Today I almost bounced into the office, I felt younger, happier, full of vinegar and it was because of my shoes. Today's shoes are a cute little pair of shiny brass colored Mary Janes that clicks when I walk. A pair with spunk. And today I feel energized, ready to tackle the never ending list of loose ends that never seem to get tied up.
I shared this observation with the gals in the office and immediately we launched in to how our outfits make a difference in our day. Anywhere from the wrong shirt or slacks, a pucker here, a odd color there can make a difference in how we act or view our day. The old saying, clothes make the man isn't too far from the truth. How we feel about our physical appearance does make a difference in how we view our surroundings, our productivity and our outlook on life in general.
It's the same for our students. How they feel about themselves can make a difference between learning or just existing. Think how not "wearing" the right language would make you feel. You may be "dresses" with an outfit of language that gets the message across in a simple way but do you really get your deep, sophisticated thoughts conveyed? It's an outfit, it's a covering all the necessary parts but you just don't feel right. It's our job to help our English language learners get their outfit just right. One way to do that is to work together with other teachers around us, collaborate and co-teach to bring our students the best education possible. Two great authors on this topic are Dr. Maria Dove and Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld. Their book, "Collaboration and Co-Teaching Strategies for English Learners" provides insight to how, who, what, when, where, and the why of collaboration and co-teaching. I recommend a visit to their website for other great resources,
So tomorrow when you get ready for your day, think about how you feel walking out of your closet. Do you click with excitement?
That is the first step isn't it, admitting an addiction to yourself? My next realization is why I love shoes so much...they set my mood. If I have on a cute, sexy pair my whole day goes better. Yesterday I wore my black loafers for the first time this shoe season, all day long I felt old, worn out, unable to get some vim and vigor in my day. Today I almost bounced into the office, I felt younger, happier, full of vinegar and it was because of my shoes. Today's shoes are a cute little pair of shiny brass colored Mary Janes that clicks when I walk. A pair with spunk. And today I feel energized, ready to tackle the never ending list of loose ends that never seem to get tied up.
I shared this observation with the gals in the office and immediately we launched in to how our outfits make a difference in our day. Anywhere from the wrong shirt or slacks, a pucker here, a odd color there can make a difference in how we act or view our day. The old saying, clothes make the man isn't too far from the truth. How we feel about our physical appearance does make a difference in how we view our surroundings, our productivity and our outlook on life in general.
It's the same for our students. How they feel about themselves can make a difference between learning or just existing. Think how not "wearing" the right language would make you feel. You may be "dresses" with an outfit of language that gets the message across in a simple way but do you really get your deep, sophisticated thoughts conveyed? It's an outfit, it's a covering all the necessary parts but you just don't feel right. It's our job to help our English language learners get their outfit just right. One way to do that is to work together with other teachers around us, collaborate and co-teach to bring our students the best education possible. Two great authors on this topic are Dr. Maria Dove and Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld. Their book, "Collaboration and Co-Teaching Strategies for English Learners" provides insight to how, who, what, when, where, and the why of collaboration and co-teaching. I recommend a visit to their website for other great resources,
So tomorrow when you get ready for your day, think about how you feel walking out of your closet. Do you click with excitement?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Icky Weather
Why is it that we act shocked when cold, windy, icky weather finally arrives? We know where we live, we know what the winter norm is, we talk about snow days and slick roads. But, every time winter hits us in the face, we get that surprised, how dare you look.
The last two days our news has been all a flutter with the NAEP scores and how we haven't improved. This is another one of those "well, yeah, you knew it was coming" surprises. Just like the slap of winter, the insult of low test scores shouldn't come as a surprise. And why not? Because too many of us hold on to old teaching habits and attitudes that just don't work anymore. Not with the change in our student populations.
A wake up call, a look in a mirror or a swift kick in the butt is needed to make us realize that education in this country, state, school must change if we are going to continue high quality education for our children's children.
Look around educators, administrators, school boards, and community members. What must you do to support the education in your district? What are you waiting for? Get started! Take a class, read research, volunteer, set appropriate policy. Get going, you are running out of time.
As for me, I'm going to search for my scarf, gloves, boots, and I wonder if my winter coat is clean?
Oh, you thought I forgot a new resource didn't you? Nope, check this out, it's great! Thanks, Joan, for passing it on.
The last two days our news has been all a flutter with the NAEP scores and how we haven't improved. This is another one of those "well, yeah, you knew it was coming" surprises. Just like the slap of winter, the insult of low test scores shouldn't come as a surprise. And why not? Because too many of us hold on to old teaching habits and attitudes that just don't work anymore. Not with the change in our student populations.
A wake up call, a look in a mirror or a swift kick in the butt is needed to make us realize that education in this country, state, school must change if we are going to continue high quality education for our children's children.
Look around educators, administrators, school boards, and community members. What must you do to support the education in your district? What are you waiting for? Get started! Take a class, read research, volunteer, set appropriate policy. Get going, you are running out of time.
As for me, I'm going to search for my scarf, gloves, boots, and I wonder if my winter coat is clean?
Oh, you thought I forgot a new resource didn't you? Nope, check this out, it's great! Thanks, Joan, for passing it on.
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