Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This is the year!

A new year has started and along with it new opportunities for success. That is what I'm going with, "opportunities for success". These are promising words, challenging words, words to hang your hat on. In order for me to realize success, I first have to get a clear picture at what I want to be successful at. So, I created my success list for 2012. Some may call it a resolution list but resolutions are too easily broken.

My Upcoming Successes In 2012
  1. organizing personal belongings, alleviate clutter
  2. read at least one fun book a month
  3. read at least two professional books/articles/blogs all the way through each month
  4. job reevaluation; keep what is working, change what is not
  5. connect more often with family and friends
  6. love, laugh, enjoy life more
  7. cry and regret less
  8. exercise the body, mind, and spirit daily
  9. to blog or not to blog without guilt
  10. realize that some things are not in my control; but the ones that are, control with wisdom, kindness, fairness, and perfection
  11. learn something new each day
  12. realize that success can be measured in many ways and that finding success is a never ending process
Do you have your own list by now?  I know mine is not finished, I plan to be successful over and over again this year. Just like our ESL students and their families plan to be successful providers and learners. The stages of acculturation they go through make it difficult to always keep that positive goal and attitude. Sometimes living and surviving in a new country or with new language barriers make that daily struggle almost impossible. As educators we need to realize what our students go through stages of adjustment (Gergory Trivonovitch). It is important that we realize that these stages can last for various time periods and return or cycle back around depending on the cultural demands. 

Honeymoon Stage-Everything is wonderful, new and exciting.

The Hostility Stage-Everything is hard, different, impossible to understand. Anger and resentment can pose real issues in school settings.

The Integration/Acceptance Stage-Things become more manageable and more normal feeling. This is the way it is.

Stages of Acculturation or Adjustment (whatever you may call it) must be taken in consideration just as equally as the stages of language acquisition our ELs travel through. Don't dismiss bad behavior as normal bad behavior. It may be a child reaching or searching to come to grips to his new life.

One tool that is very helpful was designed by Dr. Catherine Collier. Her Acculturation Quick Screen will give great insight. For more about her work visit her website,

As for me, I will keep my list of successes handy so I can remind myself of what I want to accomplish this year. I have high hopes and have promised myself that I won't become discouraged when I don't reach the height of success I want. Baby steps at 59. Good grief! I forgot to add to my list-Don't freak out in May when I have to start saying 60 instead of 59! That may be one success I fail!!!

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