Monday, November 28, 2011

Warm Thoughts, Warm Heart

For some reason I just remembered a joke my dad would tell all the time:
"Johnny," the teacher directed, "use the words detail and defense in a sentence." Johnny replied very happily, "De head of de dog went over de fence before de tail." And that was it, and we all laughed, every time. I miss my dad and his quick wit and easy smile, two of his characteristics I hope I've inherited. I guess it's the holiday season that takes me to the memories of youth. Back to how my family celebrated the holiday season and how my life has changed with each new year. My culture of youth is no longer my culture of today. I know that I have mentioned the importance of culture and how it shapes what we do, what we believe, and how we view and treat others but it deserves another look.

A book, it's really a set of three books, that gives guidance on various cultures and other important information comes to us by way of Canada.

Language Profiles by Cathy Haghighat, 2005, World Languages Publishing, Thornhill, Ont

I know you will find it very beneficial.

Yes, time has a way of changing who we are but the cultures we have had contact with or lived in influence every day of our lives. It's my turn to pass on the goofy jokes, the funny voicings of cartoon characters, the foods, the sit-in-my-lap-and-I'll-tell-you-a-story times, and the special traditions that will shape my family and beyond.

Boy, I wish I could remember a funny joke to add here but like always, can't think of one.

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