Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Icky Weather

Why is it that we act shocked when cold, windy, icky weather finally arrives? We know where we live, we know what the winter norm is, we talk about snow days and slick roads. But, every time winter hits us in the face, we get that surprised, how dare you look.

The last two days our news has been all a flutter with the NAEP scores and how we haven't improved. This is another one of those "well, yeah, you knew it was coming" surprises. Just like the slap of winter, the insult of low test scores shouldn't come as a surprise. And why not? Because too many of us hold on to old teaching habits and attitudes that just don't work anymore. Not with the change in our student populations.

A wake up call, a look in a mirror or a swift kick in the butt is needed to make us realize that education in this country, state, school must change if we are going to continue high quality education for our children's children.

Look around educators, administrators, school boards, and community members. What must you do to support the education in your district? What are you waiting for? Get started! Take a class, read research, volunteer, set appropriate policy. Get going, you are running out of time.

As for me, I'm going to search for my scarf, gloves, boots, and I wonder if my winter coat is clean?

  Oh, you thought I forgot a new resource didn't you? Nope, check this out, it's great! Thanks, Joan, for passing it on.

1 comment:

  1. Really like the website you posted with links to many useful ESL resources. You should Tweet when you write a new blog post!
