Monday, October 24, 2011

Disappointment Builds Character

My high school friends and I have been talking about taking a cruise for our 60th, yes I know I don't look that old, birthdays. That would be in the summer of 2012 and a warm tropical spot sounds like what we need. Of course, none of us should be in the sun, or wear a bathing suit, or need all the fattening foods that would be at our fingertips, but that wasn't even on our radar when we started the planning and plotting. Heck, I even designed a T-shirt: Class of 1970: Successful, Sensitive, Sensual, Sexy, Savvy, Spectacular, and Sixty. And it goes without saying that not a one of us would have worn it in public. Did you notice the words "would have"?

Just as I had feared, we aren't going. Darn economy. Some of us aren't as successful as we had hoped and to spend money on something as fun and foolish as floating around on a giant hotel just isn't in the cards. I'm disappointed to say the least, why can't I win the lottery so we could all go, carefree for 7 days of crazy girl fun, no husbands, boyfriends, or grand kids to interfere with our wild side. Only arthritis, blood pressure or high cholesterol meds would keep us from being the young crazy gals of 42 years ago. (some of us were never too wild, we just wanted to be)

So how does this all twist around into something educational? Well, it doesn't, I just wanted to vent. And to cry about years lost and time fading. However, I'm gaining some things with old age, a tolerance for disappointment, an understanding of what ifs, and wrinkles around my neck! How many high powered jars of cream do I have to buy before I regain that sexy little neck of a 50 year old?

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